Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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10 février 2019 dimanche. 08:51:53 UTC
blackmail scam
Escroc / abuseur
Low Life Subhuman Fecal Stain
Fuck off asshole. You did not hack anything, you are subhumam garbage. You are a liar not a malware expert. Saying you record webcams is a gamble because not every computer has one, revealing yourself as nothing but a dirty piece of shit. If I send an email to myself, I have a copy of that email in my Sent folder. So without getting into forging email headers, why should anyone believe you? Extortion based completely on easily provable lies is stupid, and you are so very stupid. Telling victims making a bitcoin payment will lead to the destruction of the compromising materials? Well, how can this low life loser know which victim has paid the extortion? The payment is anonymous. How many scam reports yet no one has had a compromising video leak to their contacts? Could it be that you are a pathetic lying idiot who scams people for money because you are too poor and stupid to get a real job? Is it because no one loves you or you don't know who your dad is because your mommy is a whore?
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09 février 2019 samedi. 15:11:47 UTC
blackmail scam
Escroc / abuseur
Tao Legendre <[email protected]>
Hong Kong
I have all your password email contact files etc etc And a sextape of you by your webcam Paid 520 euros in next 48 hours If not i send sextape to all your contact
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